Fujio Sangyo Co.,LTD

Corporate Mission

Human being is now facing the greatest challenge since the dawn of history.
How should we utilize the limited source on globe?
Awareness revolution would be the key.
Considering about how much energy wasted in the process of creating and consuming things, I think we should value things more, then slow the cycle a bit to step forward.

~ Message from President ~

2 社長 .JPGPresident : Haruka Fujishiro
Where do we head up?
Will mankind eat up the globe?
Or will emigrate to other planet?
If everybody on the earth would take one banana per day,How long will it last?
Japanese people love tuna, but How long can they enjoy?

We should commit to save One Precious Earth,
beautiful ocean, and blue sky In order for it,
we need to cross the border and be really in tune.
Based on such concept, we are making small but sound steps forward,
through our green conscious activities and interaction with people on globe.
And we wish to save these for unborn children.                  2009.10.31